Thursday, January 16, 2014

Puppies & Toddlers!

 At some point in your life I'm sure you've heard someone joke about getting a puppy as "practice" for a child.  Joke.  Exactly.  Of course puppies and kids are not comparable.  One you can legally cage!  The other, well.. that's often looked down upon.  Nearly 9 years ago, when I got my puppy, it was not for practice or preparation for future children, it was simply because I wanted a puppy.  I really never gave it any thought whether puppies and babies really did have similarities.. of course, not until now!

You might be thinking what could these charming little 6 month and 18 month old boys and this adorable little puppy have in common?  Well, quite a lot actually!!  See below:

1. Chewing.
Owen likes to chew.  On everything.  And, I mean everything.  It's a fun game of his to randomly come up to my leather sofa and bite it.  Why? I have no idea.  Or the coffee table.  Actually, let me correct that.. any table.. including restaurants! (sorry Outback! He wasn't interested in your steak, just your table..).  He has also gnawled on his crib railing.  I've put a cover on it, but literally in the 2 days it took for Amazon to ship it to me, you'd think I left this kid in there for days with nothing to eat but the espresso finish.  Aidan doesn't have teeth yet, but uses me as a human chew toy.  He attacks my hands, arms, shoulder, etc like it's a delicacy! Chunk also used to use me as a chew toy.. he also preferred wicker baskets, old navy flip flops and the crotch of every pair of pants I left on the floor.. sigh, I suppose I'm glad my kids don't eat my clothes.. but, still!  I do wonder if the sour apple puppy spray would work for them??

2.  House breaking.
We've not even gotten into the potty training part (which I'm assuming could be related to paper training a pup, but I didn't go that route.. we crate trained.. pretty sure I can't use that method with Owen!).  However, I can remember when Chunk was a puppy, and I hear the "sound".. the sound of a forceful stream soaking into my carpet.. last week, after Owen's bath, I take him upstairs to get dressed.. we do this routine every night.. and, I turn my back literally for 2 seconds to grab a diaper and his PJs and I hear that same sound.  Look back, and there he is peeing on the carpet with this HUGE smile on his face.  Aidan is very much guilty of this, too.  He gets me ALL THE TIME.  Open the diaper and WOAH, pees all over me.  And, he too has the biggest smiles ever!!

3.  Listening.
You know how puppies will come and suck up to you after they've done something wrong or not listened?  My kid does the same thing.  I tell him no, he'll come over and give me the sweetest kiss.. and then, go back and do the exact same thing I said no to.  Then, he returns to hug me.. only to go back and do exactly the same thing!  Just with the dog, he's so darn cute it's hard to get mad!!

4.  Eating crap they shouldn't.
For real.  This one used to drive me nuts.. and, still does sometimes!  Aidan is fully exempt as of yet.. but, once he can move around I'm sure he'll be equally guilty of this as well.  When Owen was a little younger.. first starting to crawl/get around.. he was INSISTENT upon finding every piece of trash, dirt, dust, dog hair, etc that was accessible to him and EATING it.  Why would anyone want to eat a wad of dog hair?  I don't know, but to him you would have thought it was cotton candy!  This kid would scream if I removed said grossness from him mouth.  Scream.  We are better now about eating trash.. usually, he'll bring it to me instead.. or, just stop and point it out to me.. ya know, like every morning we come down the hardwood steps.. and, he has to pause on each step and look for fur balls in the corners?  Just because.  Chunk was also king of eating things he shouldn't.. like spider webbing I hung for Halloween.. that was a fun time.  Or, raccoon and rabbit crap he finds in the yard which causes him to get sick. Every. Single. Time.  Ugh, the vet bills!  If they would both just stop eating crap, I'd appreciate it greatly :)

5.  Growing.
When I first brought Chunk home, he was adorable.  I brought him home sitting in the lid of an electric frying pan balanced on my lap.  That's how tiny he was (I didn't want him to pee on me!).  The rate this dog grew was incredible.  I swear every day he changed.  By the time he was 6 months old he was nearly full grown!  I couldn't believe how quickly it went!  I wish I had remembered that when I had my boys.  After having Owen, I wasn't prepared for how quickly he'd change.  And then with Aidan, life gets so busy sometimes that you blink and realized he's now wearing 9 month clothes when he started in Preemie?!  Watching them grow so fast makes my heart ache.  I feel like I can't possibly capture all the changes they both exhibit every day! I have a bad habit of never taking pictures off my memory card for my camera (I suppose that's expected when I can hold over 4000 pictures!).. today, Owen and I spent nearly 30 minutes looking at pictures and video I've taken of him and Aidan in the last 8 months.. it was incredible to see how much Owen has changed.. and to look and see how tiny Aidan was.. and how big he is now!

I would never say that being able to raise a puppy is direct correlation to being able to raise a child.. but, I have to admit there are a lot of similarities!! Too bad the tips and tricks I used with Chunk aren't acceptable to use on my children..!  Although, I still am tempted to buy the sour apple spray!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Cheers to 2014!

Christmas was wonderful in our home this year!  Filled with all the things the Holiday season should be filled with!  Love, laughter and the making of memories together with our Family!  My boys clearly made Santa's nice list.. and, ToysRUs and Kohls clearly are much richer because of it, but I digress.

Christmas Eve we spent at my Sister's house exchanging gifts with my wonderful nephews.  There is nothing greater than seeing the excitement in Owen & Aidan's faces when they see my nephews!  They adore them, and my nephews are so incredibly amazing with my boys!  I'm so thrilled that we have all boys.. I can't wait to see them grow up together!  They will be the best of friends!

Christmas morning was perfect.  I expected there to be tears and meltdowns at some point, but both boys were awesome!  Owen was excellent with opening gifts!  I really didn't have high expectations.. I figured maybe a few, and that'd be it!  But, he was great!  It was really nice being able to enjoy that time together.. the hustle and bustle of the season can get overwhelming at times, but seeing the excitement on Owen's face that morning was so worth it!

We rounded out the day with Christmas dinner at my Aunt's house.  There's probably 25+ of us that get together for dinner.  It's an amazing tradition, and one I hope we continue to do for many years to come!

New years was also very relaxed for us.  I took Owen with me to do some shopping earlier in the day on NYE.  I win Mother of the Year award for taking him in to the liquor store to buy Sparkletini and happy new year hats, but whatev.  Jason thinks taking a picture of Owen with the alcohol bottle was worse than bringing him into the liquor store.. he actually said "don't post that on the internet or it will end up in one of those 'parenting fail' articles".. oh well!  I contemplated waking them up at midnight to celebrate, but then opted not to.. I value my sleep A LOT, and didn't want to risk them not going back to bed.. plus, they have no idea what the new year even means..!

2011 was amazing.. I married my best friend and shortly after found out we were pregnant with Owen.. 2012 brought us the most amazing blessings.. the birth of our Owen, and finding out we were expecting again!  2013 brought us our Aidan man.. the sweetest little baby that just fills our hearts with joy.. I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!  Whatever it may be, I know it'll be a fantastic year!