Saturday, February 22, 2014

Coming out of hibernation!

I am so over the Winter.  SO over it.  I'm done with snow, and ridiculous propane bills and waking up with a stuffy nose every morning from the heater running!  I'm ready to throw open the windows (which also will mean cleaning my windows -- compliments of living in the woods).. let the breeze come in, take the kids for walks, play outside, etc!  I'm ready for hiking, and beach trips.. days at the zoo and splashing around outside!  And, my poor car needs a bath SO bad!!

I'm glad I have virtually no followers on this blog yet, as I know how much of a bummer it is when you're used to reading a blog every week or so and then they just go MIA for a while.  It's tough to motivate when everything just seem so.. blah!  Plus, we've been busy.. we're hiring a nanny, which has been extremely stressful and time consuming.  But, we've finally found the right fit for us, so that's a huge burden lifted!  Not to mention work has been busy.. I always thought 3 days a week would be a dream.. and, it IS a dream!! But, I find myself getting frustrated with the lack of progress I feel like I'm making these days.. it's hard to accomplish as much when you're only there 3 days!! It's to be expected, but just an adjustment for me.. I'm used to being more of an "overachiever" and lately I feel like I'm falling behind.  It'll all work out, though. 

So, while the ground has been frozen and often snow covered and I've been hibernating in my house wishing the weeks and months of Winter away, my boys have continued GROWING!  Look at this!!

Owen..!  What the heck, little man!! You have become.. well, a little MAN!! You don't even look like a baby anymore :(  We've been waiting and waiting, and FINALLY, your speech is starting to explode.. talking and babbling up a storm.. some we can understand, most we can't.. but, one thing is clear, you love going outside!! And, you will shout "I go outside!!!!!!!" whenever the opportunity strikes you :)  Seeing you put words and phrases together is just another indicator of the independence you're finding..!  You are still stubborn as ever.. your tantrums are hysterical!! One of these days I'm going to video one so you can see as an adult!! It takes all my might not to laugh!  I know your feelings are valid, though rarely rational, but still valid.. it just can be so difficult to keep a straight face when you are just SO angry over the littlest things!  Your Daddy reminds me just how alike you and I are..!  Tantrums, dirty looks, moodiness, etc :)

And Aidan!  My baby.  My little tiny squish!  Remember when you were first born?? All 6lbs13oz of you?? You were skinny!!! You were so thin!!! And now, you're catching up to your brother quicker than I could imagine you would!! Just today I put a 12 month outfit on you!  You are 7 months!! Not 12!  You're teething, and that stinks.. it makes my genuinely happy baby a mess of tears and crankiness.. but this too shall pass.  You are eager to move.. you watch your brother with such inquisitiveness!  You want to do what he's doing.. be where he is.. you want to GO!  Not so fast, little boy.. there is no rush in growing up!  Before I know it you'll be crawling.. and then walking.. and then running.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm looking forward to your ability to "get around" on your own.. but, I will also miss the snuggles.. the ability to rock you in my arms.. already, you're over it.. you'd rather see what's going on in the world as opposed to be content staring just at me.. it's amazing how quickly you've grown!

And the two of them together.. gosh!  They can give you a run for your money, but they also have captured my heart in so many ways!  Aidan adores Owen so much.. and Owen adores him right back!  The giggles and laughter that pours out of Aidan while watching Ojo run around.. it's so sweet!  Yesterday, I was working with Aidan teaching him to roll several times in a row to get where he wants to be.. everytime he'd roll, Owen and I would clap.. so then Owen was trying to help him roll over, too.. his attempt at rolling Aidan from back to belly was hysterical as it was accompanied with the loudest GRUNT noise I've ever heard Owen make.. and this kid grunts all the time!! It was so funny!  And he just had this look on his face like "this kid is fat!!"  Cracks me up!

Today, we're kicking off our first Saturday showing a glimpse of Spring (ie temps will be in the low 50's!) by taking the boys to Cape May Zoo!  Hoping for a successful trip!