Having 3 so close in age definitely poses it's challenges, but the rewards far outweigh any of the difficulties. They are absolutely so close and it melts my heart. Both Owen and Aidan have to always be in the know regarding the whereabouts of their siblings.. and Amelia.. she's constantly looking for the boys.. staring at them.. watching them.. laughing and cooing. It's the absolute sweetest thing. I will say, capturing pictures of all 3 of them successfully smiling is pretty much impossible. I usually call it a win if I can get a shot without someone crying. Even if that means grumpy faces!
Owen's new thing is he likes to try and pick her up, supervised always, of course. He cracks me up because he'll grunt to lift her up, and then put her down and tell me "Miss Amelia is too fat". The things this child says.. I swear! I wish I could run video all day every day to capture them! I always think to myself after he's said something candid that I need to remember it to add it to my blog, but often by the time I actually have a chance to sit down and write, I can't remember what I wanted to write!
Aidan and Amelia are little buddies, too. I think if I had to choose right now, personality wise, she's tending to be a bit more like Aidan, which is semi terrifying because my Aidan man can be tough stuff. But, she's got that same demanding/stubborn personality.. she can be sweet as pie and charming.. but when she wants something there is not a damn thing that will distract her from getting it. Her and Aidan have developed a very close relationship. She beats up on him, tugging away at his hair and clawing at his face, and he just laughs and giggles back at her. (Owen will usually cry if she pulls at his hair and then say "Miss Amelia is a bad girl!").
We are all looking forward to this Winter ending. Not so much that it's been a "bad" Winter, but more so it's just seemed like a never ending Winter. The cold after cold after cold. I can't wait to just be able to take the kids outside for an hour or 2 every day to burn off some of that pent up energy! By this point, it feels like every day I'm trying to come up with a new game or idea to keep them entertained. I happened to have an old comforter of ours folded up in the loft area a few weeks ago. We always use blankets and such to create tents, but for some odd reason I decided let's use it as a parachute, like they had played with at their birthday party when we had the music lady come. Fantastic idea, and they instantly loved it. Except, holy hell is it a workout on our arms to continuously create waves in the blanket to resemble the parachute! As if that wasn't bad enough, then they both laid on there and we drug them all around the loft and our bedroom. At first, it wasn't so bad.. just one night, no big deal.. except every single night since they both cheer for parachute!
Another new fun idea was utilizing the gigantic amazon box that comes every month containing our supply of diapers. We always play inside and push and pull them around the dining room on the hard woods, but I had seen a Facebook posting about how awesome boxes can be for creating personal art spaces, so we figured we'd give it a try! Huge huge huge success! It's fantastic because 1. I don't have to worry about them coloring on my table, floor, chair, etc. 2. They are confined and 3. they genuinely think this is awesome and are having a blast! I can quickly see this becoming a new favorite activity! I'm looking forward to being able to do more fun stuff with them as Amelia is getting older and a bit more independent herself. I have so many fun projects I'd love to do with them this summer!
That's pretty much it for now. This month will be busy, I'm sure. Aidan had his Neurology appointment and is cleared for his surgery (scheduled for the 20th). While I'm nervous, and wish he didn't have to do it, I know that in the end it's the best thing for him. I've been told by many people that it's a quick procedure and the recovery is easy, so I'm just hopeful that it'll go that way for him, too. Of course, it's just anesthesia and such that worries me.. and my baby being out of my hands.. regardless of how brief. I'm sure he'll be fine, though.. CHOP is incredible, and they were excellent for Owen's eye surgery... hopefully I'll get a chance to check back in the end of the month!