With Spring officially here, and in full swing OJo could not be more delighted with our time spent outdoors! This kid absolutely loves to be outside. Despite being 21 months, Owen's vocabulary is still pretty scarce; however, outside is a word that he has mastered without a doubt. This boy will stand at the window, or the door, or in his crib and say "outside" repeatedly for literally hours on end. I love that he loves the outdoors! So now that the cat is out of the bag about me being pregnant, again, it goes without saying that this Momma is often very tired! April has been a pretty crazy busy month, so I'll hit you with a ton of pictures to catch up. My Dad's birthday was April 2nd, and we celebrated by having the family over to our house. My nephews and Owen thought it was absolutely awesome to explore in our backyard. They must have climbed fallen trees and played with sticks and leaves for over an hour! It's amazing how much Owen idolizes them. In addition to his brother being his best friend, he also has 2 amazing buddies as cousins. It will be so neat to see Aidan joining in on the fun next year!
We also had a warm stretch where we had 3 days in the high 70s.. a taste of summer, if you will. It was great to get the chance to fill the baby pool and splash around with the boys. This was Aidan's first time in the pool.. it was a moderate success. He very much enjoys the water, but I think the temperature threw him off a bit. Needless to say, they had a fabulous time playing outside. Nothing more precious than a nakey baby wrapped in a towel drinking his bottle in the sunshine. It was such a great end of the week, and I am so looking forward to many more Thursdays & Fridays like this over the summer! I really love my part time schedule!! Having these extra days home with the boys is so amazing.. I honestly have no clue how I'll ever go back to full time!!!
And, with every outdoor excursion, we must conclude the evening with a tubby. How could anyone resist these cute faces?! I know I can't!!
Moving along to Easter...
I have to say.. this picture kind of surprised me. Likely not for the reasons you'd expect.. I assumed Owen would cry.. I mean, come on.. a giant rabbit? I think I'd be more worried if he didn't cry!! But, what surprised me was Aidan's nonchalant reaction! Let's just say Aidan is going through this crazy separation anxiety phase.. maybe crazy is a bad word.. EXTREME. This boy will not go to anyone!!! Owen was always pretty good about going to different people.. Aunts, Grandparents, friends, etc.. he would give dirty looks, and not often smile, but he went without a fight. Aidan. Nope. He doesn't even like it if someone gets too close to his personal space! This boy is a trip! He's so funny, too, because when it's both Jason adn I around, I am CHOPPED LIVER. This kid will scream like you've never heard if Daddy is nearby but not holding him.. seriously, my neighbors probably think we beat our children LOL. (Andrea, if you're reading this -- I swear we don't!! I promise!!). So yea, given the major separation anxiety, I fully expected him to be the one screaming, too! Oh, and, disregard the Winter sweaters. The weather is so temperamental these days, and I suck and didn't buy them cutesy matching Easter outfits. Meh, there's always next year!
Getting pictures with my boys these days is quite rare.. especially one where neither are crying.. albeit, neither are smiling here, either, but beggars can't be choosers! I love these little dudes so very much!!
Happy Easter all!! PS.. 5 days until my anatomy scan!! Still holding strong for team green :)
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