Once upon a time I had 2 little babies. Where did that time go?! I know I say this in practically every post I write, but how the heck are my boys growing up so fast!! It is absolutely amazing, though, to see how quickly their little minds can absorb and apply the things they learn. We are especially seeing this in Aidan, since he has his big brother to watch all day long. We used to think Owen was going to be our "tough cookie".. and, don't get me wrong, he can be!! But, Aidan man.. this kid is fearless! And stubborn. And, quite the brute!!
It was literally a matter of weeks.. (and by weeks, I mean maybe 2 weeks) before this little bruiser discovered he could do more than just crawl around the floor. Him + freedom = a very dangerous thing. It was to our surprise the night we discovered him crawling up the steps! I'm honestly not sure who was more terrified.. me, as this now means our family room is no longer a safe room.. and the days of me sitting comfortably on the floor watching him crawl around and play are history.. Owen, who's quickly realizing that his brother is becoming more and more capable by the day.. or, Chunk.. who often has this look like "Seriously.. another mobile thing that wants to suck on my face and spit in my fur??!". Within the first few days of Aidan learning how to crawl up the steps, we also tried teaching him the "dangers" of falling down the steps. He wasn't quite understanding that he can't go up 2 steps and then turn around without falling.. but, in the beginning, Jason or I would run over to catch him. Finally, I said to Jason.. we need to let him do a "supervised" fall.. (the carpets are super padded, and it was only up 1 or 2 steps).. my hope was that he'd realize falling isn't a game, and he can't "play" on the steps. Yea, that plan was a bust. The first time Daddy did the "supervised" fall, Aidan thought it was hysterical. And then did it again. And again. And again. Each time, he'd laugh these huge belly laughs like it's the most fun game he's ever learned. In one night it became his mission to RACE to the steps, climb up the first and/or second step and do a back roll off them. Even when we weren't there to catch him.. still laughter. Oh man, this kid!!!! We are still working on the "steps aren't for playing!!!" rule.. but, yea, it's not working out so great..........
Mommy: "Aidan, I swear, DO NOT TOUCH the cable box!!"
Aidan: mischievous smile.. raises his hand...
Mommy: "Don't do it Aidan!!!!"
Aidan: PRESS!
Mommy: "Gahhhhhhh!!!!"
Owen: "Uh Oh, it's off... Mom, it's off.. Mommy!! It's off"
Mommy: "I know Owen, I'm sorry.. it will be back in a minute"
Owen: For the next 5 minutes while it reboots "Uh oh Mom, it's off... Mom, it's off.. It's off, Mom...Dad! Dad, it's off.. Uh oh.. it's off!!!"
For the love of all things, including my sanity!!, Aidan, PLEASE stop turning off the cable!! My patience cannot handle it! I don't know what is harder.. the fact that Aidan does it over and over again despite us correcting him, or listening to OJo tell us OVER AND OVER again that the TV is off!! Amelia.. sweet girl, you are lucky.. some nights I really, REALLY miss my wine ;-)
And then, there was the one day.. the one day when Daddy tried swatting his little hand to stop him from pressing the button... we expected tears.. I expected tears!! And then, I expected to yell at Daddy and tell him not to do that again.. except.. Aidan just looked at his hand like "huh, that stings a little".. looked up at Jason like "that didn't hurt!", and then shut the damn cable off!!!! No fear, this kid!
Owen's got quite a few new tricks of his own.. aside from pointing out when every and any electronic device is "off", he also likes to alert me of when there's a "mess"... It usually goes something like this.. Owen dumps all the toys out of the bins.. spreads them all over the room (with Aidan's help), and then when I come over he'll say "Heyyyyy... who made a mess??". Good try, buddy.. I know it was you!!! Sigh, or my other favorite from last week.. evening tubby with them both together.. and, Aidan.. little devil boy.. once again surprised us with some tubby floaters mid-bath. In the chaos that it ALWAYS is when your kid craps in the tub with his brother in there next to him, I'm scrambling to get them both out and Aidan diapered before any more comes.. and, OJo just stood, pointing in the tub.. "Mom.. there's a mess... mommy!!! Mess!!! There's a mess, Mom!"...... yes, OJo.. I am WELL aware of the floating crap in my tub.. I'm also well aware that I will once again be bleaching it.. and once again be washing all your bath toys.. and once again threatening your brother with indefinite outside tubbies using the hose if he doesn't stop this nonsense!! Sigh, but yes.. you're right, there's a mess!
Some days are tougher than others, but they definitely keep me laughing! And, busy!! I will say, when I was pregnant with Aidan, it was tiring, but honestly wasn't all that bad. Jason is such a huge help with the kids (or just Owen at the time) that I really don't remember it being that exhausting. This time, with 2 little ones.. it's a LOT harder physically than I expected! Mostly because your days and nights are just non-stop. The tiredness can be tough, but it's more that my body just gets sore.. I also think that's partly due to carrying differently this time (maybe a girl thing?). But, a lot has to do with constantly being on the move.. picking things up, cleaning up something, carrying someone up or down the steps, chasing someone off the steps, putting someone in time out, oh, and then there's the human jungle gym factor. If my OB wasn't so awesome and didn't know Jason and I as well as she does, she'd probably have thought I was getting beaten or something! My poor belly always has bruises!! Little toes, man.. they mark me up!! Between my belly and my thighs, I'm a speckled bruised mess most days! But, going on the exhaustion thing.. Owen has this fun game he likes to play every. single. night. regardless to how tired I/we are.. it's quite simple. He grabs you by the hand and you RUN. Laps around the room. Over and over again. Sometimes he'll stop and put some obstacles in the way. Or, sometimes he'll stop and move obstacles. But, the running part doesn't change.. and the whole time he'll yell "Yay!! Runny!!". It's become our motivation to finish dinner.. our motivation to behave (i.e. Owen, if you can't be nice we will not run tonight), and overall the biggest highlight of his day. I love that he loves to run around.. but holy crap! And, if Aidan gets involved, which he almost always does, that just adds to the complexity!! He's either speed crawling following us, or clinging to our legs as we run by until one of us picks him up and carries him while we run. And, in case the pictures aren't doing him justice.. he's a PORK. I think there's only 3 or 4lbs difference between him and Owen...!
Some days I wonder how much our lives are going to change once miss Amelia comes. I'm so elated to be having another baby.. so excited to be adding a daughter to our family.. but, there's a part of me that is a little sad knowing how our current routine will have to change. As tiring and trying on our patience as the boys can be sometimes, they bring so much joy into our lives.. and, they really do make every day fun. I'm sad because I know that the first few months with a new baby in the house means Mommy is MIA from playtime and "fun stuff".. Just like when we had Aidan.. it took a little while to get everyone into the swing of things.. it will be the same this time, I know.. but I'll miss getting to spend all this time with my boys! The flip side is.. I'll be creating another new bond.. with a new beautiful and precious little life.. another little to drive me bonkers in, oh 6-9 months give or take ;-) Days that I feel a bit sad about how they dynamics will change initially with my boys, I just think ahead to a year from now.. when Amelia is Aidan's age.. and Aidan is Owen's age and Owen is 3.. there will be oh so many fun times ahead.. so many smiles, and giggles, and pressing of buttons =) I really couldn't be more excited to be growing our family!
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